
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Year One in Review: May 2011

On April 29, 2011 we moved into our new adventure.  Each day we will post a month-by-month breakdown of the last 12 months.  Some months were exciting, and others were not. 

APRIL 2011
APRIL 29: The 29th was also Ayla's birthday.  We moved in with two trucks and lots of help and love.  APRIL 30: We slept a lot and ate pizza.  Brand new appliances were delivered.

MAY 2011
MAY 1: Celebrated Ayla's birthday, she is two!
MAY 2: I returned to work.  Amy continued to unpack mountains of boxes and start our life out here.  I hid in my work and tried not to get overly involved or eager.  I was distant at best.
MAY 8: Purchased a riding mower.  This was awesome.
MAY 9-26: Blur.  School year was ending and my energy was focused there.  I am sure we unpacked a lot of boxes.  We also tilled land for an herb garden. 
MAY 27: School ended.  Time to get involved with the acreage.

See, not all months are glamorous.

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